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Blondie music lyrics

Blondie lyrics
Blondie is an American pop/rock band established in New York City in 1974 by artist musician Deborah Harry and guitarist Chris Stein. The band was a pioneer in the early American new wave and punk scenes of the mid-70s, building up their sound in acclaimed NYC clubs, for example, CBGBs. With hits, for example, "Nuclear", "Call Me". "Heart of Glass", and "Maria" and also offers of more than 40 million records around the world, they were accepted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2006. Their unique lineup comprised of Deborah Harry (vocals), Chris Stein (guitar, low register guitar), Clem Burke (drums, percussion), Jimmy Destri (consoles), and Gary Valentine (low register guitar, guitar). Band legend expresses that their name originated from both a careless reference to Adolf Hitler's...
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Blondie albums and songs lyrics

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Blondie - Pollinator lyrics
Pollinator lyrics 
Pollinator at Pollinator at wikipedia Pollinator at spotify
Pollinator lyrics
1. Doom or destiny  
2. Long time  
3. Alredy naked  
4. Fun  
5. My monster  
6. Best day ever  
7. Gravity  
8. When i gave up on you  
9. Love level  
10. Too much  
11. Fragments  
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Blondie - No exit lyrics
No exit lyrics 
No exit at No exit at wikipedia
No exit lyrics
Blondie - Parallel lines  lyrics
Parallel lines lyrics 
Parallel lines  at Parallel lines  at wikipedia Parallel lines  at spotify
Parallel lines  lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Blondie music. Our databases have 3 albums and a total of 37 songs of Blondie lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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