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Paul Draper music lyrics

Paul Draper lyrics
Paul Edward Draper (conceived 26 September 1970 in Wavertree, Liverpool) is an English artist musician and was the lead vocalist for the stone band Mansun. Alongside bassist Stove King, and guitarist Dominic Chad, Draper was an establishing individual from Mansun. In an uncredited part, he has worked with Paul Oakenfold on his collection Bunkka. They recorded an instrumental stupor tune called "Drop" in 2000 which showed up on Oakenfold's record Perfecto Presents Traveling. Amid 2004 Paul assembled and blended the prematurely ended fourth collection sessions for their discharge in the Kleptomania box set. In October 2005, Alone in My Room a solitary by Skin (ex-Skunk Anansie) , co-composed and co-created by Draper, was discharged; his first inclusion in any melodic venture since Kl...
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Paul Draper music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 3 songs of Paul Draper lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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