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Steel Panther music lyrics

Steel Panther lyrics
Steel Panther is a Los Angeles, California based glitz metal spoof band established by previous LA Guns vocalist Ralph Saenz (Michael Starr). Initially framed as "Metal Skool" and "Metal Shop" they're known for their enthusiastic live show, the longest running metal show on the Sunset Strip. In front of an audience, the band both pays tribute to and parodies the prime of 80's glitz metal. The band's between-tune drama incorporates jokes at struggle between band individuals, dialogs of medications, sex, and ad libbed funniness with the group. As of late they've crossed the Atlantic and have at last begun to enter the European market with the arrival of their introduction collection, "Feel The Steel"....
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Steel Panther albums and songs lyrics

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Lower the bar lyrics
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Steel Panther - Feel the steel lyrics
Feel the steel lyrics 
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Feel the steel lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Steel Panther music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 25 songs of Steel Panther lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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