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Train music lyrics

Train lyrics
Train is a Grammy Award winning rock band framed in San Francisco, California. To date, three of their collections have crested in the main 10 of the Billboard 200 and have sold an aggregate of more than 4 million collections in the US. Four of their tunes have been beat 20 hits on the Billboard Hot 100 including their most noteworthy graphing (#3) and top rated (confirmed 5x Multi-Platinum by the RIAA) overall hit "Hello, Soul Sister." Train has discovered accomplishment on current grown-up contemporary radio stations, where they have had four #1 melodies on the Hot Adult Top 40 Tracks outline, the most recent being to date their best (topping at #34) auxiliary single off a collection, "If It's Love." What began as two folks with solid voices and one guitar got to be San Francisco's Train...
Train official site Train at spotify Train at Train at youtube Train at wikipedia Train at myspace 2563 views

Train albums and songs lyrics

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Train - A girl, a bottle, a boat lyrics A girl, a bottle, a boat lyrics
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Train - Drops of jupiter lyrics Drops of jupiter lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Train music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 22 songs of Train lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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