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Adelitas Way music lyrics

Adelitas Way lyrics
Adelitas Way is a five-piece rock band rised from Las Vegas, Nevada shaped in 2005. Their first single, Invincible, is the official signature tune of WWE Superstars on WGN America, which initially publicized on April 16 2009. Since Invincible turned out to be so fruitful on the show, Adelitas Way were drawn closer by the WWE staff and approached to compose a tune for the label group Legacy highlighting Randy Orton. A New Day was penned and recorded and is currently the passage topic for Legacy. Powerful was included on the CSI Miami Finale plugs which broadcast on CBS between May 11 2009 ? May 18 2009. A New Day is presently the title track to the WWE's most up to date soundtrack, including tunes from Story of the Year and Adelitas Way. Adelitas Way discharged their first full-length m...
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Adelitas Way albums and songs lyrics

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Adelitas Way - Shine on lyrics
Shine on lyrics 
Shine on at Shine on at spotify
Shine on lyrics
1. What it takes  
2. All in  
3. Shine on  
4. Stay  
5. What you want  
6. Habit  
7. Down for anything  
8. Stay ready  
9. My derailment  
10. Heartbreak  
11. Something more  
12. Bad reputation  
13. Last stand  
14. Hate love  
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Adelitas Way - Notorious lyrics
Notorious lyrics 
Notorious at Notorious at wikipedia Notorious at spotify
Notorious lyrics
Adelitas Way - Getaway lyrics
Getaway lyrics 
Getaway at Getaway at wikipedia Getaway at spotify
Getaway lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Adelitas Way music. Our databases have 3 albums and a total of 35 songs of Adelitas Way lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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