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The bear/coltan as cotton lyrics by Saul Williams

Saul Williams The bear/coltan as cotton lyrics
  • track 5 of 11, total running time 41:33
  • album Martyr loser king
  • released in January 29, 2016
  • produced by Justin Warfield
  • record label Fader Label
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The bear/coltan as cotton song lyrics

How can I describe it? It's a feeling
That no one would talk about, but everybody knows
How to get inside it and reveal it
When pain is the government that governs the unknown

When the bear comes from the mountain
With it's teeth and claws exposed
And the girl who cries is justified
As everybody knows
And the soldiers sing the chorus
And the chorus marks a sign
Where dollar signs are unaligned with every war and crime

How can I describe it? It's a feeling
That no one would talk about, but everybody knows
How to get inside it and reveal it
When pain is the government that governs the unknown

When the blood falls from the trumpet
And the music fills the streets
And the ones who cry are justified
And suffer from defeat
And the soldiers sing the chorus
And the chorus marks a sign
When our designs are underlined
With every war and crime

How can I describe it? It's a feeling
That no one would talk about, but everybody knows

Hack into dietary sustenance
Tradition versus health
Hack into comfort compliance
Hack into the rebellious gene
Hack into doctrine
Capitalism, the relation of free labor and slavery
Hack into the history of the bank
Is beating the odds the mere act of joining the winning team?
Hack into desperation and loneliness
The history of community and the marketplace
Hack into land rights and ownership
Hack into business, law of proprietorship
Hack into ambition and greed
Hack into forms of government
The history of revolutions
The relation of suffering and sufferance
Hack into faith and morality
The treatment of one faith towards another
Hack into masculinity, femininity, sexuality
What is taught, what is felt, what is learned, what is shared
Hack into God
Stories of creation, serpents and eggs

Hack into coincidence
The Summer of '68
The 27th club
The number of people with Facebook profiles
People who choose to share
People who share too much
People who seem lonely
People who want to connect
People who want to uplift
People who need uplifting

Three simple copper wires coiled around an orb
Parked in an orbit
Equatorial landmines, useful and precious metals
Coltan as Cotton
Coltan as Colton as Cotton (x4)

Hack into whores
Industrial, digital
Hack into code
Use your instrument as metaphor
Hallowed to the ground, type into the mainframe
Dismantle definition, dogma and duty
Hack into the database
Hold it in the subconscious
The panel marked "survival"
Hack into celebrity
Hack into the cultural development of taste
Hack into violence, fear, and ignorance
How are they linked?

More info about The bear/coltan as cotton lyrics

check here the lyrics for The bear/coltan as cotton, the 5th song of the 11 recorded for the album Martyr loser king, with a total running time of 41:33, by Saul Williams. It was released on January 29, 2016 via Fader Label, and produced by Justin Warfield.
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