From the cradle bars
Comes a beckoning voice
It sends you spinning
You have no choice
You hear laughter
Cracking through the walls
It sends you spinning
You have no choice
You hear laughter
Cracking through the walls
It sends you spinning
You have no choice
Following the footsteps
Of a rag doll dance
We are entranced
Following the footsteps
Of a rag doll dance
We are entranced
Spellbound, spellbound, ooh-ooh
Spellbound, spellbound, spellbound, spellbound
And don't forget when your elders forget
To say their prayers
Take 'em by the legs
And throw them down the stairs
When you think your toys
Have gone berserk
It's an illusion
You cannot shirk
You hear laughter
Cracking through the walls
It sends you spinning
You have no choice
Following the footsteps
Of a rag doll dance
We are entranced
Following the footsteps
Of a rag doll dance
We are entranced
Spellbound, spellbound, ooh-ooh
Spellbound, spellbound, spellbound, spellbound, spellbound
Oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh, oh
Following the footsteps
Of a rag doll dance
We are entranced
Following the footsteps
Of a rag doll dance
We are entranced
Entranced, entranced
Entranced, entranced
Entranced, entranced
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lyrics for Spellbound, the 10th song of the 11 recorded for the album Danse macabre, with a total running time of 50:07, by Duran Duran. It was released on October 27, 2023 via BMG Rights Management / Tape Modern, and produced by Duran Duran, Josh Blair, Mr Hudson.