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Engel music lyrics

Engel lyrics
Engel is an industrial/melodic death metal band. They hail from Gothenburg, Sweden and in addition, their bassplayer origins from England. Formed at Göteborg, Sweden back in 2004, Niclas Engelin and Marcus Sunesson felt that they should bring something new to the genre. Their debut album is called Absolute Design and it came out from SPV/Steamhammer at October 2007 in Europe, followed by US release in May 2008. Their second album, called Threnody, was released in Japan April 7th of 2010. European and US releases got delayed due label issues with SPV, the release in the US and Europe got delayed, to January of 2011 and November 2010, respectively, released by Season of Mist. Blood of Saints, band's third album, which was first with the current drummer Jimmy Olausson and last with voca...
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Engel albums and songs lyrics

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Engel - Abandon all hope lyrics
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Engel - Raven kings lyrics
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Engel music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 22 songs of Engel lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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