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My new robot lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young My new robot lyrics
  • track 10 of 10, total running time 38:00
  • album Peace trail
  • released in December 9, 2016
  • produced by Neil Young, John Hanlon
  • record label Reprise
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Peace trail tracklist

released 2016 via Reprise

1. Peace trail
2. Can't stop workin'
3. Indian givers
4. Show me
5. Texas rangers
6. Terrosit suicide hang gliders
7. John oaks
8. My pledge
9. Glass accident
10. My new robot lyrics
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It's a lonely cup of coffee
Cause my baby's gone
Someone has to work
I know that's true

Carpenters bring ladders
I bring love to you
Their working day begin
Under skies of blue

Is just now getting started
And I'm sitting under a tree
Singing a song
And thinking of you

My life has been so lucky
The package is arrived
I got my new robot
From amazon dot com

Unpacking it now
I have a sense of pride
I'm going online
To program it for you

(Powering on)

Things here have changed
Welcome to: (Your name), House, Home
Swipe your card
When you enter your pin number

My owner is not available
Please enjoy your stay
Leave magnetic articles
In the plastic bin marked Visitor in grey

For color blind visitors
Please refer to parameters
To enter your new 7-digit password
That must contain at least one numeric character
And your mother's maiden name

Please feel free
It's just an exercise
Your media is already chosen
Based on your habits

(Powering off)

More info about My new robot lyrics

check here the lyrics for My new robot, the 10th song of the 10 recorded for the album Peace trail, with a total running time of 38:00, by Neil Young. It was released on December 9, 2016 via Reprise, and produced by Neil Young, John Hanlon.
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