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Workin' man lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Workin man lyrics
  • track 6 of 9, total running time
  • album The monsanto years
  • released in 2015
  • produced by
  • record label
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A working man in Indiana travelled from farm to farm
Plantin' seeds and talkin' weather, working 90 farms
Got to know the farmers knew all of their kids
Out in the country, that was '96

His life was good and steady when seeds were cash [?]
Next year the farmers were ready, the times were changing fast
Supreme Court in session made a new law
GMO seeds and patents had a fatal flaw

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas [?] worked for Monsanto
Well I don't know you but I do know who I am

One summer morning just around dawn
Four men with briefcases were on the working man's lawn
We're gonna to sue you, take you to court
For patent infringement, the criminals you support

We're from Monsanto we own the seeds
Give us the names of those farmers you seek
You're gonna need big money to stand your ground
Or we're gonna bury you, how does that sound?

Working man lost all is his friends, his business too
Well I don't know you but I do know who I am

Now times have changed, things are picking up
The wheels are rolling again on the old seed truck
The cleaner's coming back have taken back the land
They don't care the cost they're gonna take a stand

Well I don't know you but I do know who I am
Well I don't know you but I do know who I am

More info about Workin' man lyrics

check here the lyrics for Workin' man, the 6th song of the 9 recorded for the album The monsanto years, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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