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Sail away lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Sail away lyrics
  • track 5 of 9, total running time
  • album Rust never sleeps
  • released in 1979
  • produced by
  • record label
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I could live inside a tepee
I could die
in Penthouse thirty-five
You could lose me on the freeway
But I would still
make it back alive.

As long as we can sail away
As long as we can sail away
There'll be wind in the canyon
Moon on the rise
As long as we can sail away.

See the losers in the best bars
Meet the winners in the dives
Where the people are the real stars
All the rest of their lives.

As long as we can sail away
As long as we can sail away
There'll be wind in the canyon
Moon on the rise
As long as we can sail away.

There's a road
stretched out between us
Like a ribbon on the high plain
Down from Phoenix through Salinas
'Round the bend and back again.

As long as we can sail away
As long as we can sail away
There'll be wind in the canyon
Moon on the rise
As long as we can sail away
As long as we can sail away.

More info about Sail away lyrics

check here the lyrics for Sail away, the 5th song of the 9 recorded for the album Rust never sleeps, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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