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Let's Roll lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Lets Roll lyrics
  • track 5 of 11, total running time
  • album Are You Passionate?
  • released in 2002
  • produced by
  • record label
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Neil young
Lets roll

I know I said I love you
I know you know it's true
I got to put the phone down
And do what we got to do
One's standing in the aisle way
Two more at the door
We got to get inside there
Before they kill some more

Time is runnin out¡­ lets roll
Time is runnin out¡­ lets roll

No time for indecision we got to make a move
I hope that were forgiven for what we got to do
How this all got started I'll never understand
Hope someone can fly this thing and get us back to land

Time is runnin out¡­ lets roll
Time is runnin out¡­ lets roll

No one has the answer but one thing is true
You got to turn on evil when it's coming after you
You gotta face it down and when it tries to hide
We gotta go in after it and never be denied

Time is runnin out¡­ lets roll

Lets roll for freedom
Lets roll for love
Going after satin on the wings of a dove
Lets roll for justice
Lets roll for truth
Lets not let our children grow up fearful in their youth

Time is runnin out¡­ lets roll
Time is runnin out¡­ lets roll
Time is runnin out¡­ lets roll

More info about Let's Roll lyrics

check here the lyrics for Let's Roll, the 5th song of the 11 recorded for the album Are You Passionate?, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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