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Pressure lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Pressure lyrics
  • track 9 of 10, total running time
  • album Landing On Water
  • released in 1986
  • produced by
  • record label
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Landing On Water tracklist

released 1986 via

1. Weight Of The World
2. Violent Side
3. Hippie Dream
4. Bad News Beat
5. Touch The Night
6. People On The Street
7. Hard Luck Stories
8. I Got A Problem
9. Pressure lyrics
10. Drifter
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A funny thing happened yesterday
I felt the pressure in a brand new way
It kept hitting me from all directions
I got this feeling I was cracking up
My knees were shaking and I couldn't close my eyes
I fought to gain control and make corrections
A funny thing happened yesterday
I felt the pressure in a tv way.

Don't feel, don't feel
Feel pressure from me
Don't feel, don't feel
No pressure from me
Don't feel, don't feel
Feel pressure from me.

You watch the box and the video jocks
If you could talk that could even be you up there
That's why you need max head room
Too much pressure for peace on earth
Too much tryin' to get your money's worth
Too much dying
The eldorado, the mercedes benz
The job security that never ends.

Don't feel, don't feel
Feel pressure from me
Don't feel, don't feel
No pressure from me
Don't feel, don't feel
Feel pressure from me
Don't feel, don't feel
No pressure from me.

I feel the pressure building every night
One of these days I'm gonna go out like a light
Oh, baby
I feel the pressure building every night
One of these days I'm gonna go out like a light.

More info about Pressure lyrics

check here the lyrics for Pressure, the 9th song of the 10 recorded for the album Landing On Water, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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