Why are you growin' up so fast
My boy?
Oh, you'd better take your time.
Why are you growin' up so fast
My son?
Almost time to live your dream
My boy.
Oh, you'd better take your time.
Almost time to make some plans
My son.
Vacation gone, school is out,
Summer ends year in year out.
Oh, you'd better take your time
My boy.
I thought we had just begun.
Why are you growin' up so fast
My son?
Vacation gone, school is out,
Summer ends year in year out.
Why are you growin' up so fast
My boy?
Why are you growin' up so fast
My son?
More info about My Boy lyrics
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lyrics for My Boy, the 8th song of the 10 recorded for the album Old Ways, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .