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Hawks & Doves lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Hawks & Doves lyrics
  • track 9 of 9, total running time
  • album Hawks & Doves
  • released in 1980
  • produced by
  • record label
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Hawks & Doves tracklist

released 1980 via

1. Little Wing
2. The Old Homestead
3. Lost In Space
4. Captain Kennedy
5. Stayin' Power
6. Coastline
7. Union Man
8. Comin' Apart At Every Nail
9. Hawks & Doves lyrics
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Hawks & Doves song lyrics

Ain't getting old, ain't getting younger though
Just getting used to the lay of the land
I ain't tongue-tied, just don't got nothin' to say
I'm proud to be livin' in the u.s.a.

Ready to go, willin' to stay and pay
U.s.a., u.s.a.
So my sweet love can dance another free day
U.s.a., u.s.a.

In history we painted pictures grim
The devil knows we might feel that way again
The big wind blows, so the tall grass bends
But for you don't push too hard my friend.

Ready to go, willin' to stay and pay
U.s.a., u.s.a.
So my sweet wife can dance another free day
U.s.a., u.s.a.

Got people here down on their knees and prayin'
Hawks and doves are circlin' in the rain
Got rock and roll, got country music playin'
If you hate us, you just don't know what you're sayin'.

Ready to go, willin' to stay and pay
U.s.a., u.s.a.
So my sweet love can dance another free day
U.s.a., u.s.a.

More info about Hawks & Doves lyrics

check here the lyrics for Hawks & Doves, the 9th song of the 9 recorded for the album Hawks & Doves, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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