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Barstool Blues lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Barstool Blues lyrics
  • track 5 of 9, total running time
  • album Zuma
  • released in 1975
  • produced by
  • record label
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Barstool Blues song lyrics

If I could hold on to just one thought
For long enough to know
Why my mind is moving so fast
And the conversation is slow.
Burn off all the fog
And let the sun through to the snow
Let me see your face again
Before I have to go.

I have seen you in the movies
And in those magazines at night
I saw you on the barstool when
You held that glass so tight.
And I saw you in my nightmares
But I'll see you in my dreams
And I might live a thousand years
Before I know what that means.

Once there was a friend of mine
Who died a thousand deaths
His life was filled with parasites
And countless idle threats.
He trusted in a woman
And on her he made his bets
Once there was a friend of mine
Who died a thousand deaths.

More info about Barstool Blues lyrics

check here the lyrics for Barstool Blues, the 5th song of the 9 recorded for the album Zuma, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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