Running Dry (requiem For The Rockets) song lyrics
Oh, please help me,
oh please help me,
I'm livin' by myself.
I need someone to comfort me,
I need someone to tell.
I'm sorry for
the things I've done,
I've shamed myself with lies,
But soon these things
are overcome
And can't be recognized.
I left my love
with ribbons on
And water in her eyes.
I took from her
the love I'd won
And turned it to the sky.
I'm sorry for
the things I've done,
I've shamed myself with lies,
My cruelty has punctured me
And now I'm running dry.
I'm sorry for
the things I've done,
I've shamed myself with lies.
But soon these things
are overcome
And can't be recognized.
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lyrics for Running Dry (requiem For The Rockets), the 6th song of the 7 recorded for the album Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .