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Turbowolf music lyrics

Turbowolf lyrics
Turbowolf is a hard rock band founded in Bristol, UK whose members include Chris Georgiadis (Vocals / Synth), Andy Ghosh (Guitar), Lianna Lee Davies (Bass) & Blake Davies (Drums). They released their debut album (titled Turbowolf) on 11 November 2011 on Hassle Records. Prior to releasing their debut album, Turbowolf spent several years developing their musical style in a series of UK tours and shows with the likes of The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster, The Computers, Pulled Apart by Horses & Dinosaur Pile-Up. In 2010 they also toured Europe with Korn & Dimmu Borgir. The band have also been very active on the festival circuit clocking up performances at Download, Sonisphere, Lovebox, Great Escape, SXSW, Boardmasters & ...
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Turbowolf albums and songs lyrics

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Turbowolf - The free life lyrics
The free life lyrics 
The free life lyrics
1. No no no  
2. Capital x  
3. Cheap magic  
4. Very bad  
5. Halfsecret  
6. Domino  
7. Last three clues  
8. Up & atom  
9. Blackhole  
10. The free life  
11. Concluder  
subscribe amazon music
Turbowolf - Two hands lyrics
Two hands lyrics 
Two hands at Two hands at spotify
Two hands lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Turbowolf music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 22 songs of Turbowolf lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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