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Refused music lyrics

Refused lyrics
Refused is a hardcore band originating from UmeÃ¥, Sweden, formed in 1991. The band’s final lineup comprised its founding members, vocalist Dennis Lyxzén and drummer David Sandström, as well as guitarists Kristofer Steen and Jon Brännström. Their lyrics were often of a non-conformist and politically far-left revolutionary nature. The band released five EPs and three albums before initially splitting up in 1998. Kerrang! placed The Shape of Punk to Come at #13 on their 50 Most Important Albums Of All Time list. Several months of heavy touring and internal stress caused the band’s dissolution, after their last show in the United States was dismantled by police. Following the band split, Lyxzén went on to front the poli...
Refused official site Refused at spotify Refused at Refused at wikipedia Refused at myspace 3601 views

Refused albums and songs lyrics

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Refused - Malignant fire lyrics
Malignant fire lyrics 
Malignant fire lyrics
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Refused - War music lyrics
War music lyrics 
War music at War music at wikipedia War music at spotify
War music lyrics
Refused - Servants of death lyrics
Servants of death lyrics 
Servants of death lyrics
Refused - Freedom lyrics
Freedom lyrics 
Freedom at Freedom at wikipedia Freedom at spotify
Freedom lyrics
Refused - The shape of punk to come lyrics The shape of punk to come lyrics
Refused - Songs to fan the flames of discontent lyrics Songs to fan the flames of discontent lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Refused music. Our databases have 6 albums and a total of 55 songs of Refused lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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