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Cycle music lyrics

Cycle lyrics
There is more than one artist named Cycle: 1) Cycle is a Spanish band, Madrid-based, mixing electro music with rock. Originally the band members were the producer David Kano, the guitarist Carlos F. Calderón and two singers, La China Patino and Luke Donovan, but the latter left the group in 2005 and was replaced by El Cíclope. La China Patino is also a well-known actress and dancer in Spain, and currently presents a music program (iPop) in Spanish TV channel La 2. Cycle lyrics are in English, and their most famous songs are “Apple Tree” and “Confusion”. Their first album is “Weak on the Rocks” (with 12 songs).”Weak on the Rocks” was recorded in Rec Division Studios in Madrid and master...
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Cycle albums and songs lyrics

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Cycle - Dance all over lyrics
Dance all over lyrics 
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Dance all over lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Cycle music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 12 songs of Cycle lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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