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Kodaline music lyrics

Kodaline lyrics
Kodaline is a Dublin-based Irish alternative rock quartet. Originally known as 21 Demands, the band made chart history in March 2007, when their debut single “Give Me a Minute” topped the Irish Singles Chart; becoming the first independently released track to achieve the feat. In 2005 the band made it to the final of RTE-broadcast programme ‘You’re a Star’ in Ireland, coming in second place, and then in 2011 they changed their name to Kodaline. Growing up in houses just two minutes away from each other in Swords, a working class town near Dublin airport, Stephen Garrigan [/bandmember] and Mark Prendergast [/bandmember]met aged eight, when they were the only boys in the school choir. Skip forward six years ...
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Kodaline albums and songs lyrics

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Kodaline - One day at a time lyrics One day at a time lyrics
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Kodaline - Politics in living lyrics
Politics in living lyrics 
Politics in living at Politics in living at spotify
Politics in living lyrics
Kodaline - Coming up for air lyrics Coming up for air lyrics
1. Honest  
2. The one  
3. Autopilot  
4. Human again  
5. Unclear  
6. Coming alive  
7. Lost  
8. Ready  
9. Better  
10. Everything works out in the end  
11. Play the game  
12. Love will set you free  
13. Caught in the middle  
14. War  
15. Moving on  
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Kodaline music. Our databases have 3 albums and a total of 42 songs of Kodaline lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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