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Royal Blood music lyrics

Royal Blood lyrics
Formed at the beginning of 2013, Royal Blood are a 2-piece band from Brighton, East Sussex, UK. Having known each other for years in different bands, Mike Kerr (Bassist/Vocalist) & Ben Thatcher (Drums) finally came together and went into the studio to record ‘Figure It Out’ – the first track that brought attention to the band. At the tail end of 2013, Royal Blood released ‘Out of the Black’, their debut single on Black Mammoth Records. The band released their debut album ‘’Royal Blood’’ on 22 August, 2014 which sold 66,000 copies in its first week. Edited by minordamage on 30 Oct 2014, 04:38 ...
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Royal Blood albums and songs lyrics

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Royal Blood - How did we get so dark? lyrics How did we get so dark? lyrics
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Royal Blood lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Royal Blood music. Our databases have 4 albums and a total of 43 songs of Royal Blood lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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