Against Me! music lyrics

Against Me! lyrics
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Against Me! songs lyrics

Against Me! - Transgender dysphoria blues album lyrics
1. Transgender dysphoria blues song lyrics
2. True trans soul rebel song lyrics
3. Unconditional love song lyrics
4. Drinking with the jocks song lyrics
5. Osama bin laden as the crucified christ song lyrics
6. FUCKMYLIFE666 song lyrics
7. Dead friend song lyrics
8. Two coffins song lyrics
9. Paralytic states song lyrics
10. Black me out song lyrics
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Against Me! - New wave album lyrics

New wave album lyrics

 released 2007
1. New wave song lyrics
2. Up the cuts song lyrics
3. Thrash unreal song lyrics
4. White people for peace song lyrics
5. Stop! song lyrics
6. Borne on fm waves of the heart song lyrics
7. Piss and vinegar song lyrics
8. Americans abroad song lyrics
9. Animal song lyrics
10. The ocean song lyrics
11. So much more song lyrics
12. Full sesh song lyrics
13. Untitled song lyrics
14. You must be willing song lyrics