Full sesh lyrics - Against Me! song

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Do you bite your tongue when you hear them say?
Do you bite your tongue and wait for your chance?
Do you bite your tongue and push thought from mind?
Focus is Locked, Attention is fixed.

Do you want to battle with me?
You cannot match determination like this.

Do you bide your time so patiently?
Do you bide your time and wait for your chance?
Do you bide your time and keep intent hidden?
When the strike comes it's going to be deadly.

Do you want to battle with me?
Like a whore plotting revenge on the trick.

Do you want to battle with me?
In the end I will win.

Full sesh lyrics

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New wave album songs

released 2007 via
1. New wave
2. Up the cuts
3. Thrash unreal
4. White people for peace
5. Stop!
6. Borne on fm waves of the heart
7. Piss and vinegar
8. Americans abroad
9. Animal
10. The ocean
11. So much more
12. Full sesh
13. Untitled
14. You must be willing
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check here the lyrics for Full sesh, the 12th song of the 14 recorded for the album New wave, with a total running time of , by Against Me!. It was released on via , and produced by .