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Mansruin lyrics by Prong

Prong Mansruin lyrics
  • track 9 of 13, total running time
  • album Rude awakening
  • released in 1995
  • produced by
  • record label
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Rude awakening tracklist

released 1995 via

1. Controller
2. Caprice
3. Rude awakening
4. Unfortunately
5. Face value
6. Avenue of the finest
7. Slicing
8. Without hope
9. Mansruin lyrics
10. Innocence
11. Dark signs
12. Close the door
13. Proud division
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Mansruin song lyrics

My whole life counting dimes worried about uncertainty.
So I roll the dice before I die, maybe get a little for me.
I bet it, bet it all-
Threw everything into a pile.
Regret it?
Got nothing at all, no guarantees, no pieces of the pie.
Got the eyes on you, black
eyes on you-
Ruin it for you if they could.
Eyes on you, black eyes on you-
Mansruin for his own good.
High life all the highlights covered on the plays of the day.
Baked out, burnt right out of it, breath fried beyond repair.
I tasted it, devoured it, ballooned right out of sight.
A done deal dealt out by fate scored myself a bite of nonlife
Fucked out, fucked out of everything,
drained at the end of each day.
A red cent, no pennies from heaven taken for a chump for life.

More info about Mansruin lyrics

check here the lyrics for Mansruin, the 9th song of the 13 recorded for the album Rude awakening, with a total running time of , by Prong. It was released on via , and produced by .
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