Eyes, boring a way through me
Paralyse, controlling completely
Now there is a fire in me
A fire that burns
This fire is out of control
I'm going to burn this city
Burn this city
This fire is out of control
I'm going to burn this city
Burn this city
This fire is out of control
I'm going to burn this city
Burn this city
This fire is out of control
I'm going to burn it, I'll burn it
I, I, I'll burn it down
Eyes, burning a way through me
Overwhelm, destroying so sweetly
Now, there is a fire within me
A fire that burns
This fire is out of control
I'm going to burn this city
Burn this city
This fire is out of control
I'm going to burn this city
Burn this city
This fire is out of control
Then I, I'm out of control
And I burn,
Oh, how I burn for you
Burn, oh how I burn for you
Burn, how I
Burn, how I
Burn, oh how I...
This fire is out of control,
I'm gonna burn this city,
Burn this city...
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lyrics for This fire, the 7th song of the 11 recorded for the album Franz ferdinand, with a total running time of , by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on via , and produced by .