You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her, you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you
You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her, you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you
She's not so special so look what you've done, boy
She's not so special so look what you've done, boy
She's not so special so look what you've done
Now you wish she'd never come back here again
Oh, never come back here again
You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her, you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you
You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her, you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you
She's not so special so look what you've done, boy
She's not so special so look what you've done, boy
She's not so special so look what you've done
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lyrics for Auf acshe, the 5th song of the 11 recorded for the album Franz ferdinand, with a total running time of , by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on via , and produced by .