Tell her tonight song lyrics
I only watched her walk, but she saw it
I only heard her talk, but she saw it
I only touched her lips but she saw it
I only kissed her lips, but she saw it
Gonna have to tell her tonight [x4]
She only flicked her eyes, but I saw it
She only swung her hair, but I saw it
She only shook her hips, but I saw it
She only licked her lips, but I saw it
Gonna have to tell her tonight [x4]
Hey, I'll have to tell her, you tell her tonight, yeah
I'll have to tell her, tell her tonight, yeah
I'll have to tell her, to tell her tonight, yeah
I'll have to tell her, to tell her tonight
I only held her hand, but she saw it
I only watched her walk, but she saw it
I only touched her neck but she saw it
I only kissed her lips, but she saw it
Gonna have to tell her tonight [x4]
Hey, I'll have to tell her, you tell her tonight, yeah
Hey, I'll have to tell her, you tell her tonight, yeah
You have to tell her, you tell her tonight, oh yeah
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lyrics for Tell her tonight, the 2th song of the 11 recorded for the album Franz ferdinand, with a total running time of , by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on via , and produced by .