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Mudslide lyrics by The Darkness

The Darkness Mudslide lyrics
  • track 7 of 12, total running time
  • album Last of our kind
  • released in 2015
  • produced by
  • record label
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Last of our kind tracklist

released 2015 via

1. Barbarian
2. Open fire
3. Last of our kind
4. Roaring waters
5. Wheels of the machine
6. Mighty wings
7. Mudslide lyrics
8. Sarah o'sarah
9. Hammer & tongs
10. Conquerors
11. Messenger
12. Always had the blues
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This ain't no double entendre
This ain't no euphemism
This is real life
I'm describing a natural disaster
Mud flow...

Land mass shifting beneath our feet
Houses, floating on down the street
Debris, wreck and ruin
Bobbing along like butter would not melt
Deluge never ending
And the raindrops never cease to pelt

It's hard to see the upside of a Mudslide
I simply can't abide this deadly Mudslide
Way down deep inside I hate you

Neighbours thus far I have managed to avoid
Flounder as they're drawn
Deep down into the watery void
Gesticulating wildly,
But it's awkward so I wave ta-ta
The distant cries of anguish
Play havoc with my Cha Cha

It's hard to see the upside of a Mudslide
I simply can't abide this deadly Mudslide
Way down deep inside I hate you

Somewhere under the mudflow
Way down low there lies
My dear beloved gazebo

It's hard to see the upside of a Mudslide
I simply can't abide this deadly Mudslide
Way down deep inside I hate you

Do you know what this is?
It's a fucking mudslide.

More info about Mudslide lyrics

check here the lyrics for Mudslide, the 7th song of the 12 recorded for the album Last of our kind, with a total running time of , by The Darkness. It was released on via , and produced by .
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