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Mighty wings lyrics by The Darkness

The Darkness Mighty wings lyrics
  • track 6 of 12, total running time
  • album Last of our kind
  • released in 2015
  • produced by
  • record label
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Last of our kind tracklist

released 2015 via

1. Barbarian
2. Open fire
3. Last of our kind
4. Roaring waters
5. Wheels of the machine
6. Mighty wings lyrics
7. Mudslide
8. Sarah o'sarah
9. Hammer & tongs
10. Conquerors
11. Messenger
12. Always had the blues
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Down goes the sun
The end has begun
A season with Eros
And my work is done

Out goes the fire
In comes the choir
Why must I live
When my dreams expire

God speed my friend
Open your mighty wings and fly
This is the end
The universe has brought you here
To die

Give me just a sip of your potion
Let me be a drop in the ocean

Ravens in flight
I bark and I bite
I am not man
I am dynamite

I am enraged
The beast is uncaged
Fire at will
Enemy engaged

God speed my friend
Open your mighty wings and fly
This is the end
The universe has brought you here
To die

Give me just a sip of your potion
Let me be a drop in the ocean

Open your mighty wings
And fly

God speed my friend
Open your mighty wings and fly
This is the end
The universe has brought you here
To die

Give me just a sip of your potion
Let me be a drop in the ocean

More info about Mighty wings lyrics

check here the lyrics for Mighty wings, the 6th song of the 12 recorded for the album Last of our kind, with a total running time of , by The Darkness. It was released on via , and produced by .
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