Don't Ya Say It song lyrics
Things you said to me
Are always on my mind.
Seems you haunted me
But you set me free
Long before you gave me time to escape.
The next time
I'll be on my way
'cause it's time, it's true
I'm turning my back on you.
Don't ya say it,
Don't say you need me
You don't need me,
Don't even try.
Don't ya say it,
Don't say you want me,
You don't mean it,
Don't say good-bye.
You threw love at me
But you never could give it away.
And it seems to me
That you'd never be,
That's why I'll never stay with you.
You can't hold me down
'cause it's my life too,
So this time it's true,
I'm turning my back on you
Don't ya say it,
Don't say you want me,
You don't mean it,
Don't even try.
Don't ya say it,
Don't say you need me,
You don't mean it,
Don't say good-bye.
Don't ya say it,
Don't say you need me,
You don't need me,
Don't even try.
Don't ya say it,
Don't say you want me,
You don't mean it,
Don't say good-bye.
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lyrics for Don't Ya Say It, the 6th song of the 9 recorded for the album Bryan Adams, with a total running time of , by Bryan Adams. It was released on via , and produced by .