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Back To Madness lyrics by Stratovarius

Stratovarius Back To Madness lyrics
  • track 4 of 9, total running time
  • album Stratovarius
  • released in 2005
  • produced by
  • record label
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Another winterday is gone
I'm lying here all alone
There are many like me here behind these closed doors

Somehow I lost the way
Fear just led me astray
Deep into the labyrinth of my warped mind

I lost all of my belief
And I felt my spirit break
Through the rain, storm came over me

Back to madness - I go back to sadness
I go back to madness - There is no return

Must go back to madness
Must go back to sadness
I go back to madness
Will I ever learn?
What I don't recall I will repeat

Have you ever been hurt?
Have you ever been abandoned?
Have you ever been truly scared?
Have you ever felt you don't belong here?
Have you ever felt like you don't have a home?
Have you ever felt you don't have a chance?
From the moment of birth we are already dying
Death is the only true salvation
Through death man is reborn
Like a butterfly is born out of a caterpillar
And after that, man is finally free

More info about Back To Madness lyrics

check here the lyrics for Back To Madness, the 4th song of the 9 recorded for the album Stratovarius, with a total running time of , by Stratovarius. It was released on via , and produced by .
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