Are you ready?!
This place inside my mind, a place I like to hide
You don't know the chances. What if I should die?!
A place inside my brain, another kind of pain
You don't know the chances. I'm so blind!
Another place I find to escape the pain inside
You don't know the chances. What if I should die?!
A place inside my brain, another kind of pain
You don't know the chances. I'm so blind!
Deeper and deeper and deeper is all I'm turning to!
Living a life that seems to be a lost reality
That can never find a way to reach my inner
Self esteem is low!
How deep can I go in the ground that I lay?
If I don't find a way to see through the gray that clouds my mind.
This time I look to see what's between the lines!
I can't see, I can't see, I'm going blind... [x12]
I'm blind [x4]
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lyrics for Blind, the 1th song of the 12 recorded for the album Korn, with a total running time of , by Korn. It was released on via , and produced by .