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Hooverphonic music lyrics

Hooverphonic lyrics
Hooverphonic is a Belgian rock/pop group formed in 1995. Though initially placed in the trip-hop genre, they quickly expanded their sound to the point where they could no longer be classified so easily. The band originally called themselves Hoover but later changed their name to Hooverphonic due to other groups using the Hoover name. The band achieved international recognition through the inclusion of the track 2Wicky (from A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular) on the soundtrack to Bernardo Bertolucci’s 1996 film Stealing Beauty (Io Ballo da Sola). The original members of the group were vocalist Liesje Sadonius, keyboardist Frank Duchêne, bass guitarist and programmer Alex Callier, and guitarist Raymond Geerts. Sadonius left Hoove...
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Hooverphonic albums and songs lyrics

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Hooverphonic - In wonderland lyrics
In wonderland lyrics 
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In wonderland lyrics
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Hooverphonic music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 22 songs of Hooverphonic lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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