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Andrea lyrics by MxPx

MxPx Andrea lyrics
  • track 8 of 17, total running time
  • album Life In General
  • released in 1997
  • produced by
  • record label
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Andrea song lyrics

Meeting you was just so unexpected
I guess I was scared of being rejected

Since you were so nice
I wouldn't think twice
I'd give it all away for one more day with you

If ever there was a girl to be engaged to
That amazing girl would have to be you

Before we hung out
Don't know how I lived without
Your beautiful face - like god's amazing grace

Andrea, I say your name and all I can do is
Think about the way you smiled
And kinda sorta held my hand
Went out for coffee in what must have been the smallest town in kentucky

Andrea, we walked together
Down the dirt road by the bridge
That we sat by each other
Talked about a few things
You looked at me I looked at you
Before you know, it's time to go!

More info about Andrea lyrics

check here the lyrics for Andrea, the 8th song of the 17 recorded for the album Life In General, with a total running time of , by MxPx. It was released on via , and produced by .
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